Predictive models pinpoint the right prospects so you can boost your bottom line
Our AI identifies high propensity audiences and automatically selects the highest performing direct mail piece for each targeted individual.
Store level audience selection models that improve overall response based on unique location attributes.
Touch your best prospects more frequently
Align your direct mail campaigns with unified messaging via email and Facebook ads to increase customer acquisition.
Direct mail + Email generates 10% more appointments than DM only.
YOY franchises running Facebook amplification are seeing a 25% increase in calls on average.
Prospect gets an email asking them to keep an eye out for their personalized direct mail piece, along with a CTA to make an appointment
Direct mail piece arrives with special offers and details on how to make an appointment
Facebook ad pops up with similar messaging as the direct mail piece and email
A second email is sent reminding prospect of the offer and the personalized direct mail piece
Facebook ad pops up with similar messaging as the direct mail piece and email
Prospect receives last email reminding of them of the special offers and the expiration dates, prospect calls to set up an appointment at your store
We provide full-service marketing and
analytics support to help you make the
best decisions and optimize performance.